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ModifiedResidue a owl:Class extends ProteinFeature



skos:definition Denotes a modified residue or residue that is typically modified within a protein
subDomain SequenceFeatureCore


property description cardinality type
modifiedState Short description denoted the state of the protein if the residue in the modified state. For example 'protein in active state' 0:1 xsd:string
residue The residue type as defined within the 'Protein Modification Ontology' ( 1:1 IRI
unmodifiedState Short description denoted the state of the protein if the residue in the unmodified state. For example 'protein in inactive state' 0:1 xsd:string
modificationFunction If applicable, the biological process in which this modification is involved. Use a Biological Process from the GO ontology. 0:1 IRI