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Sequence a owl:Class





skos:definition Represents a physical sequence
rdfs:comment Physical sequence can be a DNA, RNA or Protein molecule
gen:framing :feature - :Exon
gen:virtual true^^
subDomain SequenceFeatureCore


property description cardinality type
citation Any publication associated to feature annotation 0:N Citation
sample Sample from which this piece of sequence originates from. 0:1 Sample
function Short description of the function 0:1 xsd:string
description An optional short description 0:1 xsd:string
accession The accession id of the entry referenced 0:N xsd:string
sequenceVersion The version of the sequence 0:1 xsd:Integer
sequence The sequence, encoded with the default DNA or protein encoding 1:1 xsd:string
xref Reference to other entries holding entries with related information in other databases 0:N XRef
length Length of the sequence 1:1 xsd:Long
alternativeNames Any alternative names of the sequence 0:N xsd:string
feature The set of features annotating the sequence 0:N Feature
organism The organism from which the sequence originates from 0:1 Organism
recommendedName The recommended name of the sequence 0:1 xsd:string
commonName The common name of the sequence 0:1 xsd:string
sha384 The hash key of the sequence 1:1 xsd:string
standardName The standard name of the feature 0:1 xsd:string
shortName The short name of the sequence 0:1 xsd:string
note A set off some additional notes 0:N Note
assembly The optional assembly information of the sequence 0:1 SequenceAssembly