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UnsureBases a owl:Class extends AssemblyAnnotation



skos:definition A small region of sequenced bases, which could not be confidently identified.
rdfs:comment a small region of sequenced bases, generally 10 or fewer in its length, which could not be confidently identified. Such a region might contain called bases(A, T, G, or C), or a mixture of called-bases and uncalled-bases ('N').The unsure feature should not be used when annotating gaps in genome assemblies.Please refer to assembly_gap feature for gaps within the sequence of an assembled genome. For annotation of gaps in other sequences than assembled genomes use the gap feature. Note as observed in GCA_000018045 the unsure region can be larger
rdfs:comment use /replace=\"\" to annotate deletion, e.g. unsure 11..15 /replace=\"\"
ddbjLabel unsure
subDomain SequenceFeatureCore
