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VariantGenotype a owl:Class



skos:definition Defines a genotype for a called Variation in the Variation class


property description cardinality type
expectedAlleleCounts Expected allele counts(comma separated) 0:1 xsd:string
genotype Genotypes of the sample the variant was called on 0:N VariantGenotype
strain The name or identifier of the strain 0:1 xsd:string
altOrganism Alternative Organism 0:1 Organism
altDepth Read depth of alternate base 0:1 xsd:string
phredLikelihood phred scaled likelihood 0:1 xsd:Integer
readDepth Read depth 0:1 xsd:string
mapQuality Mapping Quality 0:1 xsd:string
depthQuality Read depth quality 0:1 xsd:string
genotypeName Genotype name of a sample for a specific variant 0:1 xsd:string
likelihood Genotype likelihoods comprised of comma separated floating point log10-scaled likelihoods for all possible genotypes given the set of alleles defined in the REF and ALT fields 0:1 xsd:string
genotypeQuality Genotype quality 0:1 xsd:string
refDepth Read depth of reference base 0:1 xsd:string
haploQuality Haplotype qualities 0:1 xsd:string
phaseSet Phase set 0:1 xsd:string
pVal p-value from Fisher's Exact Test 0:1 xsd:string
phaseQuality Phase quality 0:1 xsd:Integer
filter filter 0:1 xsd:string
phredProb phred probabilities 0:1 xsd:Float
freq Allele frequency 0:1 xsd:string
realGenotype Actual Genotype of a sample for a specific variant 0:1 xsd:string
refOrganism Reference Organism 0:1 Organism