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foaf:Person a owl:Class extends foaf:Agent



subDomain DocumentWiseProv


property description cardinality type
foaf:phone The phone number of the entity 0:1 xsd:string
bibo:suffixName The suffix of a name 0:1 xsd:string
foaf:givenName The given name of a person 0:1 xsd:string
foaf:surName The first name of the person 0:1 xsd:string
bibo:prefixName The prefix of a name 0:1 xsd:string
orcid The unique identifier to identify the scientist 0:1 IRI
foaf:depiction Image of the person use link to image 0:1 IRI
foaf:familyName The familyName of the person, preferable use the surName property 0:1 xsd:string
bibo:localityName Used to name the locality of a publisher, an author, etc. 0:1 xsd:string
foaf:title Title of the person (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr. etc) 0:1 xsd:string
foaf:firstName The first name of the person 0:1 xsd:string
foaf:homepage A homepage for some thing. 0:1 xsd:string
foaf:mbox mail address use URI scheme (see RFC 2368). 0:1 IRI